Thursday, July 8, 2010

A greater man has never lived. Neither brighter soul, neither stronger intuition. Struck up on his lips so many times as a child that they are full and shapely and powdered so delicately; a beautiful, a wise man.

He was born five hundred years ago out of a hole in the greatest of ground. The peak today we call Censeasen. When the visirian ripped open foundation-wounds in the ground, he was there, his left arm and leg in one, his right arm and head in another. His torso and remaining leg in the last. At first the visirian were scared, but then they laughed, like at a game, or at the Es'mensis. They assembled him, there, on Censeasen, tying him together with bits of cloth torn from their own clothes. And when he had been all put together, he started to twitch and move. Without opening his eyes, he did a dance around the top of the plateau. The most beautiful dance the visirian had ever seen. And when he was finished, he tore off the ial're from every one of the visirian and had to use them all to cover his own aleve, which while he danced had grown to cover almost every inch of his body, from his face to his toes. That is why from that day forward he always had to wear a mask, so that the other Iaerae would not know how incredibly powerful he was.

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